girl looking at brown hen

The Basics of Raising Chickens

Over the past several years the hobby of raising chickens has grown in popularity. With more people spending time at home, raising chickens has provided an environmentally friendly hobby while supplying an endless harvest of fresh eggs. While chicks are adorable, there are a few basics you should be aware of if you’re thinking of taking the plunge into poultry-parenting.

Before you purchase your new pets, be sure to check with your local zoning boards or municipality to ensure you can legally have chickens where you live. Also, consider your space before purchasing too many chicks. A good rule of thumb is 3 square feet per chicken inside the coop and 9 square feet outside for each chicken.

Choosing Your Chicks

When deciding on which chick is best for you, there are a few things to consider: purpose, temperament and environment. First, decide your goals for raising chickens – meat, eggs or dual purpose. Some breeds are specific to providing meat, some for egg production and some both. Next, once you’ve established your goal, consider the temperament of the breed as some are more laid back than others, which makes them more family friendly. Lastly, there are breeds that thrive more in cold temperatures while others can tolerate heat.

Creating A Sustainable Home

When you bring your chicks home, they will live in a brooder for 4-5 weeks. Your brooder should be equipped with a heat source, water and food. Once your chicks turn into full-fledged teenagers, you will need to move them to a more fitting home. When choosing a coop, you will want to ensure it is durable and safe for your chickens. The coop should be well ventilated and made of a non-toxic material that won’t harm your pets. Additionally, coops need to withstand the varying temperatures in your region while providing a haven of protection. The perfect coop will also provide resistance to predators, keeping chickens out of harm’s way.  Some coops are made of composite materials that won’t warp or splinter and are easy to stain or paint. And, for your ultimate enjoyment, choose a coop that is waterproof, making it easy to clean and maintain.

The Day-To-Day Of Raising Your Chickens

As your chickens grow you will want to preserve their health for a long life. When choosing a food, be sure it is rich in protein and calcium. You will also want to ensure a steady supply of fresh, clean water. Remember, chickens need daily care and attention. Spend time each day cleaning up droppings, refilling water and food, and gathering eggs.

Deciding to raise chickens can be a fun and profitable hobby. Be sure to learn the basics before venturing in. Investigate online resources, chicken clubs in your area or even a local feed store to help guide you. Soon you will be enjoying all the benefits of raising backyard chickens.

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