

a pet lizard licking his cheek

What You Need To Know About Keeping A Lizard As A Pet

Keeping lizards as pets can be a rewarding experience, but it requires careful consideration and commitment. Caring for each of these reptile types involves understanding the specific needs, habitats, diets, and environmental conditions that suit each species. Unlike Mammals some pet lizards can live for many decades so it is very important to know what […]
A reptile sitting on the substrate of his enclosure

Choosing the Correct Substrate for Your Reptile: A Comprehensive Guide

Selecting the appropriate substrate for your pet reptile is a crucial aspect of providing them with a healthy and comfortable living environment. Just as you would carefully consider the habitat for any other pet, reptiles require specific substrates that cater to their unique needs and natural behaviors. In this guide, we will explore the factors […]
Pet Chameleon on a hand

The Benefits of Buying Captive-Bred Reptiles: Responsible Ownership and Health Advantages

When considering a reptile as a pet, choosing between captive-bred and wild-caught specimens is a crucial decision. Opting for captive-bred reptiles offers numerous advantages, including improved health, adaptability, and conservation impact. Here we will explore the benefits of purchasing captive-bred reptiles and highlight the importance of responsible ownership. Enhanced Health and Reduced Risks Captive-bred reptiles […]
reptile In it's home habitat

Select the Right Home for Your Reptile

As with any pet, there are some significant considerations to make before you welcome a reptile into your home.  Choosing the right reptile for your family and lifestyle is most important. You will want to consider the species growth rate, diet, and temperature requirement as you plan the space you need for the reptile’s habitat. […]
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