

Cat and litter box

Cat Litter 101: Considerations When Choosing Cat Litter and a Cat Litter Box

In this guide, we'll delve into everything cat litter, covering types, boxes, considerations, and best practices.
cat eating a houseplant

Keeping Your Furry Companion Safe: Identifying Houseplants Toxic to Dogs and Cats

Bringing the outdoors inside with houseplants is a popular way to beautify your living space and promote a healthier indoor environment. However, for dog and cat owners, it’s crucial to be aware that not all houseplants are safe for our furry friends. It’s important to know what common plants are toxic to dogs or cats […]
cat outside his outdoor cat house

Safe Spaces: How to Successfully Set-up, Install, and Maintain an Outdoor Cat House

Caring for a feral or outdoor cat has its own rewards and is very different from owning a pet cat. Feral cats rarely engage with humans and prefer to live independent lives. You can make their lives easier with a shelter they can call home. In this article we will look at the components of […]
Mother feral cat and her kittens

Unlocking the World of Feral Cat Care: Challenges, Compassion, and TNR Programs

Caring for outdoor stray and feral cats is a distinctive and deeply compassionate undertaking that delves into the intricate lives of cats who exist on the fringes of human society. Unlike our cherished house cats, feral felines navigate a world where self-sufficiency is paramount, and interactions with humans are often marked by fear and suspicion. […]
two kittens looking at a litter box

Cat Won’t Use the Litter Box?

Understanding Elimination Problems in Cats: Causes, Solutions, and Prevention As feline companions, cats bring joy and warmth to our lives. However, one frustrating behavior that many cat owners encounter is improper elimination. It may seem like your cat is peeing everywhere. Whether it’s urinating outside the litter box or defecating in inappropriate places, this behavior […]
dog frightened by fireworks

How to Calm Your Dog or Cat During Fireworks

Fireworks can be a source of excitement and celebration for humans, but for many dogs and cats, they can be a significant source of anxiety and stress. The loud noises and bright lights can trigger fear and panic in our beloved pets. As responsible pet owners, it’s important to take steps to help your dog […]
puppy scratching his ear for fleas

Preparing for Flea and Tick Season

In many areas, the cold weather is breaking and warmer spring days are upon us. While the long days and sunshine are a welcome reprieve, for our pets it means the onset of flea and tick season. Before you gear up and head out for long walks and playtime with other pets, consider these helpful […]
Feral Cat looking out of hole

Caring for Feral Cats

On occasion, we’ve all seen or heard a feral cat wandering our neighborhood. As an animal lover, you may have a hard time deciding if you should approach the cat, feed the cat or even take the cat into your home. If you are contemplating caring for a feral cat, there are some factors to […]
Cat sitting on a couch with his human

Three Easy Steps to Litter Training

Litter training a kitten or cat doesn’t have to be a daunting task. It is well worth your time if you are patient and persistent. Cats have a natural instinct to bury and dig, so rest assured, they will catch on. Follow these steps to ensure success. Step 1: Choosing Supplies This is one of […]
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